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Some day our journey through this life will be over and we will embark on another journey—one that will last forever.
Billy Graham
Bible teaching about the Second Coming of Christ was thought of as “doomsday” preaching. But not anymore. It is the only ray of hope that shines as an ever brightening beam in a darkening world.
Billy Graham
We act as if it doesn’t matter how we live or what we think or say. We have moved in with the world, and we have allowed the world to penetrate the way we live. So the things that we used to call sin no longer seem to be sin to us.
Billy Graham
New Agers are terrified of their own mortality, and they want to believe that somehow the soul will survive. Of course it will, but not as they imagine.
Billy Graham
It is not the temptations you have, but the decision you make about them that counts.
Billy Graham
By the 1960s the United States had a new ruling class—the teenager!
Billy Graham
We must have a virile, dynamic, aggressive Christian who lives Christ seven days a week, who is ready to die, if necessary, for his faith.
Billy Graham
In our resurrection bodies we will know nothing of physical weakness. Limitations imposed on us on this earth are not known in heaven. We will have a habitation from God that is incorruptible, immortal, and powerful.
Billy Graham
Wherever the Word of God is hidden or ignored, there will be certain destruction.
Billy Graham
Patience . . . speaks of a person’s steadfastness under provocation . . .enduring ill-treatment without anger or thought of retaliation or revenge.
Billy Graham
True repentance is a turning from sin . . . Humanly speaking, it is our small part in the plan of salvation. Our part is repenting. God will do the converting, the transforming, and the forgiving.
Billy Graham
The Christian has a great obligation to be ethical and honest in all things, even sometimes at personal hazard. It is in the difficult situation that the qualities of a Christian are seen.
Billy Graham
When we come to Christ, God calls us out of this world’s sin and confusion. But then He sends us back into the world—not to share any longer in its sin and spiritual darkness, but to bear witness to the light of Christ.
Billy Graham
We don’t live in an ideal world, but in a world dominated by sinful, selfish desires.
Billy Graham
Mark my word, the day is coming when it’s going to cost to live for Jesus Christ. We are, more and more, a minority, and that’s exactly what it was like in the first century.
Billy Graham
Proclaiming “the whole will of God” should be the goal—and the joy—of every church and every preacher.
Billy Graham
Renewal is brought by the Holy Spirit. Believers will learn what it means to minister to one another and build each other up. No longer will our lives seem ordinary and indistinguishable from the rest of the world.
Billy Graham
End your journey well. Don’t waste your life, and don’t be satisfied with anything less than God’s plan.
Billy Graham
Many people who have lost jobs . . . find that this was God’s way of redirecting their lives.
Billy Graham
Don’t savor temptations; don’t dwell on them or toy with them or replay them over and over in your mind. The more you think about a particular temptation, the more enticing it becomes.
Billy Graham
When Jesus needed friends, they left Him.
Billy Graham
Bearing our cross does not mean wearing gunny sacks and long faces. Some people . . . wear the look of a martyr every time they hear criticism. Sometimes we deserve the criticism we receive; however, we are blessed only when men speak evil against us falsely for Christ’s sake.
Billy Graham
We are the most informed people in the history of civilization—and yet the most confused. Though our heads are crammed with knowledge, our hearts are empty.
Billy Graham
God allows difficulties, inconveniences, trials, and even suffering to come our way for a specific purpose: They help develop the right attitude for the growth of patience.
Billy Graham
When we do good—even when others are doing wrong—God will bless us.
Billy Graham
Scripture has the remedy for sinfulness.
Billy Graham
Itinerant evangelists are the most important ambassadors and messengers on earth. They are a mighty army, spreading out across the world with a vision to reach their own people for Christ.
Billy Graham
Many churches have their eyes on the culture instead of on Christ. Many pastors preach on common unity instead of calling the community to repent.
Billy Graham
Thinking of and serving with others can be an antidote to negative and unhealthy introspection.
Billy Graham
God never directs in a way contrary to His character. When the Scriptures tell us that He will direct our paths, we can be assured that when He is in control, no matter how thorny the path, He will not tell us to jump off a cliff.
Billy Graham
I have never been to the North Pole, and yet I believe there is a North Pole. How do I know? I know because somebody told me. I read about it in a history book, I saw a map in a geography book, and I believe the men who wrote those books. I accept it by faith. The Bible says, “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” [Romans 10:17 KJV].
Billy Graham
The Bible is the textbook of revelation.In God’s great classroom there are three textbooks—one called nature, one called conscience, and one named Scripture. In the written textbook of revelation—the Bible—God speaks through words.
Billy Graham
When someone hurts us, our natural instinct is to strike back—but when we do, we not only destroy any possibility of reconciliation, but we also allow anger and hate to control us.
Billy Graham
I’ve known the thrill of winning a tough ball game and of winning a golf match on the last hole. But to me the biggest thrill is to win the big one—the spiritual battle of life.
Billy Graham
The Holy Spirit can take God’s word of truthand minister it to our deepest needs.
Billy Graham
Following Christ has been made too easy. It is easy to follow Him when our world is safe and comfortable . . .but when that world shatters, only a secure faith will sustain us.
Billy Graham
Here is the judgment toward which every person outside [of] Christ is headed. The date has already been set by God. All men of all races and nationalities, both past and present, will be there. You may make and break appointments in this life—but this is one appointment you will keep.
Billy Graham
The Bible will always be the center of controversy.
Billy Graham
God can use the fear that grips the hearts of men today to point them to eternal truths—the truth of God’s eternal judgment, and the truth of His eternal love.
Billy Graham
One faithful witness is worth a thousand mute professors of religion . . . Our faith grows by expression . . . we must share it—we must witness.
Billy Graham
We were equipped by our Creator not only to live on this earth, but also to live in touch with heaven. This was the Great Design of the Great Designer.
Billy Graham
At the bitter end of an era of liberation—women’s lib, kids’ lib, animal lib, and everything-but-ethics lib—America has apparently been liberated from its moral foundations. But for too many, the good life has become a living hell.
Billy Graham
Time and tide and the ravages of sin take their toll on the most noble achievements of man.
Billy Graham
As the people came to a desert place to hear John the Baptist proclaim, “Thus saith the Lord,” so [man] in his confusions, frustrations, and bewilderment will come to hear the minister who preaches with authority.
Billy Graham
We never gain in life by hurting others. Sometimes we try to elevate our own insecure egos by degrading and belittling those around us. Yet this produces only a false sense of self-esteem.
Billy Graham
There is for each man a day, an hour, a minute. The Bible talks in many places about the brevity of life, and the Bible warns that we should be prepared to meet God at all times.
Billy Graham
A born-again Christian should no more think of going back to the old life than an adult to his childhood.
Billy Graham
God judges mankind by the standard of the only God-man who ever lived, Jesus Christ. Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God, stands between our sin and the judgment of God the Father.
Billy Graham
The most important decision you will ever make is the decision you make about eternity.
Billy Graham
Suffering in life can uncover untold depths of character and unknown strength for service. People who go through life unscathed by sorrow and untouched by pain tend to be shallow in their perspectives on life. Suffering, on the other hand, tends to plow up the surface of our lives to uncover the depths that provide greater strength of purpose and accomplishment. Only deeply plowed earth can yield bountiful harvests.
Billy Graham
As a Christian, I believe that we are all created in the image of God. I believe that God loves the whole world . . .The life of no human being is cheap in the eyes of God, nor can it be in our own eyes.
Billy Graham
Compromising and conforming to the world’sstandard is against God’s Word.
Billy Graham
Do your work with honesty and integrity, and don’t compromise God’s moral standards. It may be difficult, but it’s far better to do right than to do wrong. God is with you, and He will not abandon you.
Billy Graham
In all of these centuries there has not been the slightest shadow of change in the nature of God or in His attitude toward sin.The Bible teaches from the beginning to the end that adultery and fornication are sin, and the attitude of churchmen does not alter its character.
Billy Graham
The lives of many reflect the practices and standards of this present world . . . they are more interested in imitating the world system dominated by Satan than in imitating Christ.
Billy Graham
[Today] there is less emphasis on redemption by the blood of Christ.
Billy Graham
I fear that so often we Christians give the idea that the truth is fiction by the way we live and by the lack of dedication to the teachings of our Lord.
Billy Graham
Rebellion, waywardness, lack of discipline, confusion, and conflict prevent happy relationships within the home. But God is interested in your family, your marriage, your children. He shows us the ideals and the goals for the family.
Billy Graham
No clergyman however brilliant, no evangelist no matter how eloquent or compelling, can bring about the revival we need. Only the Holy Spirit can do this.
Billy Graham
Every manifestation of evil is the result of basic sin—sin that has remained unchanged since the moment it first entered the human race.
Billy Graham
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