Millions of deaths would not have happened if it weren’t for the consumption of alcohol. The same can be said about millions of births.
About The Quote
- Abort
- Abortion
- Abortion Rights
- Abortionists
- Accident
- Accidents
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Abuse
- Alcohol Addiction
- Alcoholic
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alcoholism
- Beer
- Beers
- Car Accident
- Car Accidents
- Child
- Children
- Condom
- Condoms
- Contraceptive
- Contraceptives
- Dead
- Death
- Drinking
- Drinking Alcohol
- Drinking And Driving
- Driving
- Drunk
- Family
- Father
- Infant
- Infants
- Kid
- Kids
- Mistake
- Mistakes
- Mother
- Parent
- Parenthood
- Parents
- Procreation
- Reproduction
- Sex
- Toddler
- Toddlers
- Wine
- Wine Humor