They said my solution was foreign because I lived on another planet. It required honesty. It required communication. It required kindness. It required integrity. It required compassion. It required empathy. It required a deep understanding of what it meant to be humane. It required courage to be something above the others. It required proving your love of God.
About The Quote
- Abuse
- Battle Cies
- Bias
- Compassion
- Courage
- Dignity
- Emotional Abuse
- Empathy
- Empathy For Others
- Fearless
- Fighting For Others
- Goodness
- Humane
- Humane Treatment Of Others
- Humanity
- Integrity
- Justice
- Kindness
- Love For Others
- Love Of God
- Loving
- Mental Health Bias
- Prove It
- Prove Your Love
- Self Respect
- Social Change
- Standing Up For Others
- Truth
- Tsloama
- Understanding
- Whole Story