Piety /pi•e•ty/ (modern definition)1. When you use Christ’s teachings to put someone in their place out of anger and self-righteousness. It is the number two reason people leave the faith. The first is pride.
About The Quote
- Anger
- Arrows
- Blindsighted
- Clever
- Cunning
- Evil Doing
- Evilness
- Fake Kindness
- False Righteousness
- Inactive Members
- Losing Faith
- Loss Of Holy Ghost
- Lost
- Lost Members
- Lost Testimony
- Need To Be Right
- Obvious
- Piety
- Pious
- Possessed By Satan
- Pride
- Relgion
- Rightness
- Sacralige
- Satan S Tools
- Silver Tounged
- Twisted Scriptures
- Vengeful
- Very Lost
- Winning
- Wisdom
- Worst Thing You Can Do