Being bigheaded can be as irritating and as dangerous as being small-minded.
About The Quote
- Above Oneself
- Aphorism
- Aphorisms
- Aphorist
- Aphorists
- Arrogance
- Arrogant
- Bigheaded
- Bigoted
- Bigotry
- Blinkered
- Close Minded
- Cocksure
- Cocky
- Complacent
- Conceit
- Conceited
- Conservative
- Danger
- Dangerous
- Dyed In The Wool
- Full Of Oneself
- Funny
- Hidebound
- Hilarious
- Humor
- Humorous
- Humour
- Illiberal
- Inflexible
- Insular
- Intolerant
- Inward Looking
- Irritate
- Irritating
- Irritation
- Joke
- Jokes
- Mean Spirited
- Myopic
- Narrow Minded
- Parochial
- Petty
- Pleased With Oneself
- Prejudiced
- Provincial
- Puffed Up
- Satire
- Self Important
- Self Satisfied
- Set In One S Ways
- Shortsighted
- Small Minded
- Small Town
- Smug
- Too Big For One S Boots
- Too Big For One S Britches
- Uncharitable
- Unimaginative
- Vain
- Vainglorious
- Vanity