Not a few millions of parents strongly hope that their own children will step in by instantly becoming their own parents’ foster parents, if and when the parents reach their second childhood.
About The Quote
- Adage
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- Africa
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- Aphorism
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- Caregiver
- Caregivers
- Child
- Childfree
- Childhood
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- Children
- Deep
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- Epigram
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- Father
- Fatherhood
- Fathers
- Foster Parent
- Foster Parents
- Funny
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- Made Me Think
- Make You Think
- Maxim
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- Mother
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- Mothers
- Old Age Home
- Old Age Homes
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- Quotation
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- Quote
- Quote Of The Day
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- Satire
- Satirical
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- Satirists
- Saying
- Sayings
- Second Childhood
- Selfish Selfishness
- South Africa
- South African
- Thought Provoking
- Thoughtful