We are like waves in the ocean, each with a unique character and quality on the surface, but deep down we are eternally connected to one another and to the ocean as a whole. If you practice looking beyond the surface of appearances, you will begin to see the true Being that lies within each form. You will see your Consciousness looking through the eyes of another, and it is when you see yourself in another that you cannot help but develop compassion for them; because in Truth, there is no “them,” there is only YOU, experiencing yourself from an inconceivable amount of perspectives.
About The Quote
- Acceptance
- Appreciation
- Awakening
- Awareness
- Awe
- Bliss
- Brahman
- Buddhism
- Compassion
- Connection
- Consciousness
- Emotional
- Emptiness
- Enjoy
- Enlightenment
- Evolution
- Existence
- Fear
- Forgiveness
- Form
- Formless
- Freedom
- God
- Gratitude
- Happiness
- Heart
- Hinduism
- Holographic Universe
- Illusion
- Interconnection
- Journey
- Joy
- Life
- Love
- Maya
- Mental
- Mind
- Mystery
- Nature
- Nirvana
- Non Resistence
- Nonduality
- Now
- Oneness
- Path
- Peace
- Presence
- Reality
- Samadhi
- Self
- Self Acceptence
- Self Love
- Source
- Spirit
- Spiritual
- Spirituality
- Tantra
- Third Eye
- Truth
- Unity
- Universe
- Wisdom
- Within
- Zen