I decree and I declare that I am not a raw material but rather a finished product. God knows me and knows the reason for which he created me. I am not here on earth to merely live and depart.
About The Quote
- Affirmations
- Consequence
- Create
- Created
- Declaration
- Declare
- Declare A Thing
- Decree
- Destiny
- Die
- Dreams
- Earth
- Finish
- Finished
- Finished Product
- Food For Thought
- God
- I
- I Declare
- I Decree
- I Decree And Declare
- Israelmore Ayivor
- Jehovah
- Live
- Live And Die
- Material
- Me
- Merely
- Positive
- Positive Thinking
- Product
- Raw
- Raw Material
- Result
- Say
- Say Positive Things
- Speak
- Success