Some people can’t be in your life because they don’t have the power to help you improve it. That doesn’t mean you don’t wish them well, it just means that you are on Chapter ten of your life, when they are on Chapter five. Maybe, it is just enough to meet at the crossroads in life and agree to take separate paths, then with a cheshire grin you both look back and shout, “Beat you to the top of the mountain”, followed by the funnest sprint of both of your lives.
About The Quote
- Beginnings
- Change
- Closure
- Crossroads
- Different
- Different Lives
- Different Paths
- Endings
- Ends
- Evolution
- Evolve
- Experiences
- Forgiveness
- Freedom
- Friend
- Future
- Goals
- Grateful
- Happiness
- Happy For Others
- Healed
- Healing
- Inner Peace
- Journeys
- Joy
- Learning
- Letting Go
- Life
- Life Lessons
- Living
- Moving On
- No Regrets
- Paths
- Peace
- Plans
- Playful Banter
- Positive
- Realism
- Reality
- Rescues
- See Clearly
- Stages Of Growth
- Staying Positive
- Stories
- The Future
- The Past
- Timing
- Transition
- Tsloama
- Well
- Well Wishing
- Wellness