Life is like a Tick mark. it is stable for a time. then it takes a ditch not because we are meant to be upset but to go higher and be better, you need to lean back and jump. life is like a ANalog signal it have its highs and lows.i take it as 1st cycle of life with 90 degree rise.Other's life look like a normal sign curve , they are lining a simple life with no trouble.but we observe noise when we actually look closer. they have their own stuff though whihc they need to pull themself thorugh.we get upset that we are not anything. i m done with life( i thought that when i was 16 and half, not sucide attempt and reason was i got pimples and scars). with time they healed well and so did my mentality to alot extent enough to oost within. point is we may think we are not good enough but you will be surprised to see that there are many other who want to be at your place and are counting on you.