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A Culture of clear consistent communication and connection is the foundation of a high performance team that thrives and flourishes.
Tony Dovale
Your UNconscious mind has more power, influence and control over your thoughts, feelings, decisions, and choices, than your conscious mind.
Tony Dovale
REAL success, satisfaction and joy has nothing to do with owning STUFF!
Tony Dovale
Most people are interested in success, but not COMMITTED to success, which is why 85%+ of people seldom achieve their desired level of success.
Tony Dovale
Exponential Results Requires Exponential Thinking and High Performance Teamworking with Growth Oriented Mindsets.
Tony Dovale
A High Performance team requires people with High Performance Mindsets, with relevant competence, committed and balanced communication, to a meaningful and challenging goal.
Tony Dovale
Hope is the spotlight that shines on the mine fields of possibility
Tony Dovale
High Performance Teams create cultures of caring, connection, commitment, collaboration and clear consistent communication
Tony Dovale
To go from Bitter to BETTER, means you need to turn your I onto an E, by embracing WE.
Tony Dovale
Culture is the constant constraint that controls creativity, commitment, collaboration, and cohesion.
Tony Dovale
To ENSURE greater success, celebrate your progess daily.
Tony Dovale
Courage is the belief in self, and the possible ability to prevail in the face of adversity.
Tony Dovale
Appreciation and recognition are qualities that most leaders forget, but desperately need, to build a positive, passionate and engaged workplace.
Tony Dovale
Limitless Leadership is the secret ingredient that helps common people, create high performance teams, that achieve outstanding and uncommon results.
Tony Dovale
The right mindset is the most powerful force we can use to positively change the world.
Tony Dovale
REAL Leadership is the building of belief, that activates and aligns the full potential, for a meaningful cause
Tony Dovale
Bad Culture is the contaminated oxygen your staff breath, as they get indoctrinated by your limiting context.
Tony Dovale
Impossible is a perception based upon a limiting mental illusion. Possible is the belief in the potential of unseen possibility,
Tony Dovale
The reason most of your staff are asleep and disengaged, is because you have boring, and bully managers, and no REAL Leaders to inspire and unleash potential.
Tony Dovale
As Technology Revolutionizes the Workplace, we must Revolutionise our thinking to make the Workplace a HUMANE and GREAT place to Work.. or we will surely lose our Souls to business profiteers.
― Tony "Success Activator" Dovale
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