Please,” he says. “I’m begging you to stop.”I still. “I can’t stomach your pain,” he says. “I can feel it so strongly and it’s making me crazy- please,” he says to me. “Don’t be sad. Or hurt. Or guilty. You’ve done nothing wrong.” “I’m sorry-“”Don’t be sorry, either,” he says. “God, the only reason I’m not going to kill Kent for this is because I know it would only upset you more.
Please,” he says. “I’m begging you to stop.”I still. “I can’t stomach your pain,” he says. “I can feel it so strongly and it’s making me crazy- please,” he says to me. “Don’t be sad. Or hurt. Or guilty. You’ve done nothing wrong.” “I’m sorry-“”Don’t be sorry, either,” he says. “God, the only reason I’m not going to kill Kent for this is because I know it would only upset you more.