There’s no such thing as positive thinking. There is, however, positive acting and positive doing, and positive being. Positive thinking is the reflection of such activities. You can’t force yourself to think positively, but merely suppress negativity and get insane while pushing yourself along a river that flows on the opposite direction. Every life challenge is there to show you that you don’t want to hit the rocks. It’s really that simple when you look at things as they show themselves to you. You flow with the stream and you avoid the rocks along the way. That’s positive thinking, even when you are angry about life, even when you’re complaining, and even when you feel antagonistic with the world and the ones around you. That’s the truth, simply because it will bring you back results. And that, you won’t ever get by sitting on the floor and imagining emotions. You have the right to hate the rocks that come your away, as long as you keep paddling and enjoying the journey. There’s no point in closing your eyes and pretending the rocks aren’t there or trying to make them vanish with wishful thinking, or expecting a big magical bird to save you and take you in his wings for a pleasant flight in the skies.