A homely face does not guarantee a homely character. Appearance is the body, character is the spirit, and the soul bears the most vital qualities.
About The Quote
- Air
- Appearance
- Aspect
- Attitude
- Attraction
- Bad Looks
- Beauty
- Blind
- Blindfold
- Body
- Character
- Charm
- Charming
- Compassion
- Disposition
- Essence
- Facade
- Face
- Facial
- Feelings
- Force
- Good
- Good Looking
- Good Looks
- Guarantee
- Homely
- Judgment
- Life Force
- Look
- Looks
- Michael Bassey Johnson
- Mien
- Mind Soul Spirit
- Outlook
- Qualities
- Quality
- Snug
- Soul
- Spirit
- Stance
- Vital