I know for a fact that I would be awful if I was built like Serena Williams or Jennifer Lopez… If I had a body remotely close to what they have, I would be a terror. My ass would cause me to do really inappropriate and rude things. I’d be so ridiculous that people would be able to pick my labia out of a lineup. I’d wear zero clothes any- and everywhere, every day. I’d show up at church rocking a denim thong and a cropped T-shirt and have the nerve to sit right next to the head usher and dare her to say anything to me. And if anyone did say something to me, I’d tell them, “Jesus blessed me in many ways, and I am just showing off His works. HALLELUJAH.” People would be disgusted and appalled by me and I wouldn’t care. All insults would bounce off my ample backside. To whom much is given, much is required, and I’d require that my much would be given nary an inch of fabric. I’d hire a band whose sole job would be to follow me around and play theme music for my yansh, based on the mood I was in… I might opt to walk backwards into any room I entered, because why not?… I might also declare my booty its own limited liability corporation, assigning myself as CEO and chairman of the Donk. My jeans would be tax-deductible business expenses, and I would add my ass to my LinkedIn profile’s Skills section. Everyone would throw hate ration in my dancery, and I wouldn’t even see it, protected as I would be by the throne I sat atop.

I know for a fact that I would be awful if I was built like Serena Williams or Jennifer Lopez… If I had a body remotely close to what they have, I would be a terror. My ass would cause me to do really inappropriate and rude things. I’d be so ridiculous that people would be able to pick my labia out of a lineup. I’d wear zero clothes any- and everywhere, every day. I’d show up at church rocking a denim thong and a cropped T-shirt and have the nerve to sit right next to the head usher and dare her to say anything to me. And if anyone did say something to me, I’d tell them, “Jesus blessed me in many ways, and I am just showing off His works. HALLELUJAH.” People would be disgusted and appalled by me and I wouldn’t care. All insults would bounce off my ample backside. To whom much is given, much is required, and I’d require that my much would be given nary an inch of fabric. I’d hire a band whose sole job would be to follow me around and play theme music for my yansh, based on the mood I was in… I might opt to walk backwards into any room I entered, because why not?… I might also declare my booty its own limited liability corporation, assigning myself as CEO and chairman of the Donk. My jeans would be tax-deductible business expenses, and I would add my ass to my LinkedIn profile’s Skills section. Everyone would throw hate ration in my dancery, and I wouldn’t even see it, protected as I would be by the throne I sat atop.