This is what the LORD requires of every man; to do justice, to love mercy and to humbly work with God.
About The Quote
- Advice
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- Compassion
- Educational Philosophy
- Fairness
- Faith
- Forgiveness
- God
- God S Grace
- Good Deeds
- Good Vs Evil
- Goodness
- Holy Writings
- Hope
- Humanity
- Humility
- Inspirational
- Intention
- Jesus Christ
- Justice
- Lessons Learnt
- Life Philosophy
- Love
- Love One Another
- Mankind
- Mercy
- Peace
- Peace On Earth
- Peaceful Co Existence
- Positive
- Positive Thoughts
- Praying
- Religion And Philosophy
- Scriptures
- Spiritual Warfare
- War
- Wise Words
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- Working Together