one morning in my early twenties when feeling quite suicidalI got into my locked car and someone had done a reversalthe Hawaiian necklace that hung on the rearview mirrorhad been turned around backwards in an event so queerin that moment I knew I was not alone in my strugglesand that all would be okay if I simply forgot my troubleslet it be known that you’ve got watchful guardian angelsI’ll tell you of yet another way that they make me so gratefultheir presence and assistance is often noticed as such:a shot of high frequency energy is felt as they touchreceiving a ringing in an ear while my mind goes meditativespiritually put back on track with a reminder of my objectivebecause of the prayers I practice this is how I’m aidedyour experiences may vary out of not caring to be persuadedhow often do you call out for help from on high?it’s their pleasure to assist if you’d just ask them to come byI can tell you straight away, they know your thoughtsand exactly how you’re feeling when you’re distraughtseeing you scanning this sentence as they’re in your presencedo you feel their love or have you taken a rigid stance?

one morning in my early twenties when feeling quite suicidalI got into my locked car and someone had done a reversalthe Hawaiian necklace that hung on the rearview mirrorhad been turned around backwards in an event so queerin that moment I knew I was not alone in my strugglesand that all would be okay if I simply forgot my troubleslet it be known that you’ve got watchful guardian angelsI’ll tell you of yet another way that they make me so gratefultheir presence and assistance is often noticed as such:a shot of high frequency energy is felt as they touchreceiving a ringing in an ear while my mind goes meditativespiritually put back on track with a reminder of my objectivebecause of the prayers I practice this is how I’m aidedyour experiences may vary out of not caring to be persuadedhow often do you call out for help from on high?it’s their pleasure to assist if you’d just ask them to come byI can tell you straight away, they know your thoughtsand exactly how you’re feeling when you’re distraughtseeing you scanning this sentence as they’re in your presencedo you feel their love or have you taken a rigid stance?