Through the realization of the potentials and possibilities within and outside of you, one connects imagination with reality. What could be becomes so. You transform what exists, causing not only its evolution, but determining to a large part the course of its evolution. It’s a kind of alchemy in that what you create has not existed before, you give birth to other potentials and possibilities, which continues and expands the program. Perhaps more importantly, the very core of existence is touched and celebrated, that being creation itself.
About The Quote
- Asian Philosophy
- Buddhism
- Cobalt Saffron Retreat
- Cobaltsaffron
- Cobaltsaffron Retreat
- Comparative Religion
- Conscience
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Darrell Calkins
- Darrell Calkins Cobalt Saffron
- Darrell Calkins Cobaltsaffron
- Darrell Calkins Retreat
- Darrell Calkins Seminar
- Evolution
- Happiness
- Humor
- Inspiration
- Intuition
- Mysticism
- Personal Skills Development
- Purpose
- Redemption
- Taoism
- Well Being
- Zen