I guess pencil crayons are like life; we hope to gain wisdom through our experiences, and sadly many of us learn important lessons later in life – however all that colour we scratched and pressed into our canvases create stories for our children, and grandchildren – things to laugh at as we look back, and hopefully things others can use as examples of lessons of caution, and tales of overcoming negative situations despite the overwhelming odds stacked up against us. Tales of past likes and loves, lessons learned, and the stories about how you met the right person and how you ended up with them – often a winding tale until there’s an ‘AH-HA’ moment of enlightenment, lol. Tales of raw adversity…because rawness is beautiful, and learned wisdom which proves showing weakness is actual bravery. That not everyone you lose is a loss, and that in life, a situation will keep repeating itself until one learns their lesson. As sad as it is to see these pencils being shortened, and the way one tries to preserve what’s left as they get shorter and shorter… the new box of crayons which will eventually be bought will continue the storytelling of the old, and add new stories until they themselves expire.

I guess pencil crayons are like life; we hope to gain wisdom through our experiences, and sadly many of us learn important lessons later in life – however all that colour we scratched and pressed into our canvases create stories for our children, and grandchildren – things to laugh at as we look back, and hopefully things others can use as examples of lessons of caution, and tales of overcoming negative situations despite the overwhelming odds stacked up against us. Tales of past likes and loves, lessons learned, and the stories about how you met the right person and how you ended up with them – often a winding tale until there’s an ‘AH-HA’ moment of enlightenment, lol. Tales of raw adversity…because rawness is beautiful, and learned wisdom which proves showing weakness is actual bravery. That not everyone you lose is a loss, and that in life, a situation will keep repeating itself until one learns their lesson. As sad as it is to see these pencils being shortened, and the way one tries to preserve what’s left as they get shorter and shorter… the new box of crayons which will eventually be bought will continue the storytelling of the old, and add new stories until they themselves expire.