I knew then that I would devote every minute we had left together to making her happy, to repairing the pain I had caused her and returning to her what I never known how to give her. These pages will be our memory until she drows her last breath in my arms and I take her forever and escape at last to a place where neither heaven nor hell will ever be able to find us.
About The Quote
- 20Th Century
- Adventure
- Angel S Game
- Art
- Barcelona
- Books About Books
- Carlos Ruiz Zafón
- Dark Fantasy
- Death
- Devotion
- El Juego Del Angel
- Epic Fantasy
- Evermore
- Faith
- Fantasy
- Freedom
- Goth
- Gothic
- Gothic Romance
- Happyness
- Heaven
- Hell
- Hnowledge
- Humor
- Inspirational
- Jocul Ingerului
- Life
- Love
- Memories
- Pain
- Philosophy
- Romance
- Supernatural
- Thriller
- Tibidabo
- Truth
- Wisdom
- World War
- Writing
- Zafon