Did I imagine the castle, the dungeon, the ritual orgies and violations? Did Lucy, Billy, Samuel, Eliza, Shirley and Kato make it all up? I went back to the industrial estate and found the castle. It was an old factory that had burned to the ground, but the charred ruins of the basement remained. I closed my eyes and could see the black candles, the dancing shadows, the inverted pentagram, the people chanting through hooded robes. I could see myself among other children being abused in ways that defy imagination. I have no doubt now that the cult of devil worshippers was nothing more than a ring of paedophiles, the satanic paraphernalia a cover for their true lusts: the innocent bodies of young children.
About The Quote
- Abuse
- Alter Personalities
- Alters
- Amnesia
- Child Sex Abuse
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Devil Worship
- Dissociation
- Dissociative
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Emotional Abuse
- Fragmentation
- Fragments
- Mental Health
- Mental Illness
- Mpd
- Multiple Personality Disorder
- Paedophile Ring
- Paedophiles
- Pedophile
- Physical Abuse
- Ritual Abuse
- Satanic Ritual Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Split Personality
- Survivor
- Trauma
- Victim
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- Abusive Groups
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- Witchhunt
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