Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Indonesian Authors
- Page 8
You don't deserve to understand truth if all that you want is just the normal life.
Toba Beta
Immortality doesn't fit with death,as mortal doesn't fit with eternity.
Toba Beta
Smartass Disciple: Where were all things before the time began?Master of Stupidity: What was the time before all things created?
Toba Beta
There’s a quote that has been said too many times by too many people: I must have done something right to deserve you in my life. Perhaps despite all our wrong doings and mistakes, despite all our failures and imperfections, we have done something right, for something good still happens in life.
Marcella Purnama
I'm beginning to think that to hope isn't the same as to expect something. To hope is to believe that life is an acceptable chaos.
Goenawan Mohamad
At dawn of man, many words of inspiration.At the end, there will be words of revelation.
Toba Beta
Handwriting enables civilization.
Toba Beta
Either they're still naive, or stupid.
Toba Beta
Don't ever reject a smallwhen you can't take it all.
Toba Beta
Dalam mengarang saya tidak pernah tergesa-gesa. Saya anggap pekerjaan mengarang adalah tugas yang santai, yang harus dikerjakan dengan senang hati. Kalau saya menulisnya dengan terburu-buru, berarti dengan hati yang kesal, maka dapat dipastikan bahwa si pembaca pun akan merasakannya.
Nh. Dini
As Moses threw whatever in his hand on the ground,so does hand should do what it can to earn miracles.
Toba Beta
Spirit is a tangible substance.
Toba Beta
Smartass Disciple: Master, how do I know that I am not dreaming right now ?Master of Stupidity: You don’t. Only those who see you're dreaming can tell it.
Toba Beta
I want constructive energy generated by every brushstroke and between every line.
Siren Waroe
People used to recognize it as mood.Science has revealed it as cannabinoids.When you feel sad, just do long running.Then you will know that even mood can be governed.
Toba Beta
Music and symbols, they're older than human race.Prehuman beings used them to teach early mankind.
Toba Beta
No sport, watching horror movie with friends in bright room.Try that alone at night without light with mirror above screen!
Toba Beta
I don't believe that aliens exist,but I do believe that any new facts can strengthen foundation of my belief.
Toba Beta
Whatsoever thing you believe strongly,it will be turned into truth within your mind.
Toba Beta
I am Indonesian. I don't buy fear of western ghosts.But when you deal with a giant garagasi of sumatera,there's no word worth enough to express the eeriness.
Toba Beta
Smartass Disciple: Master, what do say about the truth itself ?Master of Stupidity: Like sex, no fun anymore if all is revealed.
Toba Beta
Do you understand what I'm saying?Pardon? I just wanna hear you talking.
Toba Beta
Hidup harus terus berlanjut,tidak peduli seberapa menyakitkan atau membahagiakan, biar waktu yg menjadi obat
Tere Liye
Slacker becomes slower if given additional time.
Toba Beta
Pick a truth that blesses your life!
Toba Beta
I'd prefer her story than history.
Toba Beta
Hidup hanya menunda kekalahan.
Chairil Anwar
Nobody's sane above the law.
Toba Beta
In between trash and treasure.
Raditya Dika
You are the fairy tale told by your ancestors.
Toba Beta
It's a sin only if conscience confirmed it.
Toba Beta
When we perceive aliens as a joke to be laughed at,they feel so pity for us on the success of their plans.
Toba Beta
Hoax needed to complete the premises of truth.
Toba Beta
I do understand why a desperate engineer still use a hammerto solve a hard problem. I think, that made him more humane.
Toba Beta
knowledge is like nur, a ray of light. And light cannot come and be in a dark place. Because of that, clean your hearts and your minds, so that light can come, touch, and brighten your soul,” -178
Ahmad Fuadi
Competition is a rude yet effective motivation.
Toba Beta
If you feel suddenly so anxious for laugh, then it's too late to find ha-ha in dictionary.
Toba Beta
The quality of beauty lies on how beholder values an object.
Toba Beta
I believe Jesus wasn't thinking about miracle when He performed it. He's just doing normal activities as he did in His heavenly kingdom.
Toba Beta
So choose your mood, in even the most messed-up situation. Because you are the masters and rulers of your own hearts. And the heart that always can be controlled by its owner is the heart of successful person,” -101
Ahmad Fuadi
I know many versions of truth that explain one fact.
Toba Beta
The power of love make everything Possible
Sugiarti Manik
People keep making excuses, that’s why everthing happens for a reason.
Roy Saputra
Smartass Disciple: Master, I want to be the better me by forgetting my past.Master of Stupidity: If you just forget it, how would you measure you're better?
Toba Beta
Government is a ruling structured thuggery.
Toba Beta
No need to feel guilty if you can't be a good man all the time. But anytime your heart is feeling so eager to do even a small good deed, then it might be a good chance for you…to be a better man.
Toba Beta
I learn to trust someone I love..I learn to deal with heartbreak..I learn to forgive him who hurts.I never stop learning in this life.
Toba Beta
Good soul easily sleeps well.
Toba Beta
Strange to hear atheists say 'god' when having great sex.
Toba Beta
What if it's just a big, cosmic joke?Then...laugh!.85.
Dee Lestari
Smartass Disciple: Master, I don’t need a fairytale.I need you to tell me the truth. Master of Stupidity: It is not funny if you just found it. No drama if no lost at first.
Toba Beta
Nature has certain mechanism to record all memories of every life being.
Toba Beta
I don't like bullshit and pretense.I can't enjoy the joy at church...without some cash in my wallet.
Toba Beta
There are many things which can not be expressed by words. There are many words which can not be spelled by human tongue. There are many tongues which utter one single truth.
Toba Beta
Wish you were here, we can get lost in the forest together and eat bamboo rice.
Winna Efendi
Feeling of hatred unto your enemy, drains your energy as enemy wanted.
Toba Beta
If you believe in something because of miracles, then another kind of miracles can make you deny it.
Toba Beta
Price of peace could only be valued by people who had suffered loss in the war.
Toba Beta
Hate is for sissies. Fight makes gentleman.
Toba Beta
We need to perceive ourselves as the special race.If not, beasts will perceive themselves as the chosen.
Toba Beta