Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
Top 100 Quotes
Quotes by Indonesian Authors
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The purity of intention repels fear.
Toba Beta
When you've succeeded, you'd say:'Indeed I'd to go through those hell before fit into all of this happiness.
Toba Beta
The baby's beauty lies on its' pure-hearted.
Toba Beta
What's right isn't what's worked.
Toba Beta
In future, brainwave is a media of universal language.
Toba Beta
Will you marry me, my darling ?Do I have options, you bastard ?
Toba Beta
Life will be better when we start to enjoy it
Putu Satria Jaya Guna
Everybody feel pain except a woman who kicks a man in the balls.
Toba Beta
If I lie about truth which you will know somehow later, then you would call me a liar. But If you're willing to dig further about truth that force me do it, then you would understand my reason. But you wouldn't acknowledge it.
Toba Beta
Only the winner and coward may survive.
Toba Beta
You're good salesman, if you make people buyproduct they don't need.
Toba Beta
Communism was born from a beautiful dream, the likes of which there will never be again on the face of this earth: that there would no longer be lazy men who eat their fill while others work hard and starve.
Eka Kurniawan
There is a lie in between a promise and many excuses.
Toba Beta
Millennias old lies can be gradually accepted as truth.This is the real ultimate power of historical engineering.
Toba Beta
Kau tak akan pernah mengerti, memang. Aku perempuan dan kau laki-laki. Jadi, perlakukanlah aku seperti seorang perempuan. Seranglah aku! Jangan tunggu aku menyerangmu.
Bondan Winarno
Empathy needs no genius.
Toba Beta
Introspection precedes constructive criticism.Introspeksi mendahului kritik yang membangun.
Toba Beta
Opportunists seek for a chance.Entrepreneurs make new chances.
Toba Beta
People usually feel funny, smile and laugh when I tell them about my strong belief in the very existence of prehistoric advanced technology and great civilizations of wilier races. I just can't wait to see their faces at time the truth is revealed.
Toba Beta
Nothing is for free, even in heaven.
Toba Beta
No shortcut to wisdom.No tollways to be wise.
Toba Beta
The real dance is a spontaneous body movement that in harmony with the beats of the music in your heart.
Toba Beta
There's only one truth!
Felix Y. Siauw
Provocation is on the opposite lane of resolution.
Toba Beta
Rahasia alam semesta jauh lebih mudah dimengerti dibandingkan hati seorang perempuan.
Erick Setiawan
You don't scare a man who sees people as cockroaches.
Toba Beta
When you saw a wounded who cry out for help,you may be the one sent by God to bring a favor.
Toba Beta
Error of omission begets new rules.
Toba Beta
Trying to eliminate worldly temptations only makes our spiritual growth limited.
Toba Beta
Grumble weakens the spirit.Despair is counterproductive.Both are true toxicants in life.
Toba Beta
Our eyes tell us what we want to believe, but our heart tells us only the simple truth
Karla M. Nashar
When an invincible weapon deals with an impenetrable defense,war is useless. The wisest decision is to ceasefire and do synergy.
Toba Beta
When you said no time for love,I heard needy expression of love.
Toba Beta
Normative mind tends to be naive.
Toba Beta
Be careful with your faith !It could make you see the good side of hell on earth.
Toba Beta
A strategic victory seen as luck by laymen.
Toba Beta
Smartass Disciple: What were you thinking when the truth is revealed unto you?Master of Stupidity: I wasn't thinking. I was having sex when it came to my mind.
Toba Beta
Perseverance and gratefulness makes hope closer to the blessing.
Toba Beta
Current science and technology have unlocked all mysteries.We make sense of it in a gradual process under law and order.
Toba Beta
Colonel: Tell me what is the T.R.U.T.H, Doctor!Doctor: Total.Reveal.Using.Therapeutic.Hologram
Toba Beta
Sesungguhnya, penulis yang bersemangat jauh lebih menjanjikan daripada penulis yang berbakat.
Mohammad Fauzil Adhim
Smartass Disciple: Master, where will you go after your soul leaves your body?Master of Stupidity: What makes you think a soul will go elsewhere physically?
Toba Beta
There are people who like to be alone without feeling lonely at all.
Toba Beta
Immortality can be soon achieved by using technology.The real issue is, "are humans compatible with eternity?
Toba Beta
Don't waste your time to make new dreams. but waste it to make one of your lifetime dream, come true.
Olivia Sinaga
Hope and faith underlie a promise,and love energizes men to realize it.
Toba Beta
There are things which couldn't be expressed by the words,when you've mastered certain lesson for more than 30 years.
Toba Beta
Freedom is a subset of survival.
Toba Beta
Intelligence minus purpose equals stupidity.
Toba Beta
Mujizat gampang terlihat dari sudut pandang takhayul.Miracles are easily seen from superstitious perspective.
Toba Beta
If you can cope the pride when winning,then you can confront despair when lose.
Toba Beta
In wars amongst ideas, doubters are the victims.
Toba Beta
You build walls to fortify your heart,and blame on others for your loneliness.
Toba Beta
I am who I am', said God to Moses regarding His name,because none was worth to be compared to His godhead.
Toba Beta
If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also...but of course if you were able to stand soberly after the first slap.
Toba Beta
Regarding alien beings and UFO sightings, They're less about 'where' or 'when' to find, more about 'how' or using 'what' to identify.
Toba Beta
If a good man can't sleep after hurting people, then he should learn much more to be a leader.
Toba Beta
Winter brings a colder palette with more heavy blue and violet, Fall has substantial more reddish and brown, Summer brings a variation of pastel colours and Spring fresh green and tangerine.
Siren Waroe
We all seek for lost things within us.
Toba Beta
The Greatest Enemy of Confidence is Inexperience
Gun Gun Febrianza