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Steve Maraboli Quotes
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April 18, 1975
April 18, 1975
Sometimes we just need to be heard… There are times in life when being heard leads to being healed.
Steve Maraboli
The greatest step towards a life of simplicity is to learn to let go.
Steve Maraboli
When I look back, I realize I was praying for something God had already given me.
Steve Maraboli
Stop validating your victim mentality. Shake off your self-defeating drama and embrace your innate ability to recover and achieve.
Steve Maraboli
Some people seem to have a black belt in selfishness... ninja narcissists with no regard to how they impact those around them… but at the same time, a master at the art of playing victim.
Steve Maraboli
Stop using, "easier said than done", as an excuse to not change! Bringing your life to a higher level is challenging; get over it and rise to the challenge!
Steve Maraboli
Remember:It’s all in your head… all of it.If you don’t like the story, change it.If the people around don’t accept your new story; change them.
Steve Maraboli
...she doesn't have to choose between being gentle or being fierce. Both exist in nature and both exist in her. That's ok. She'll know to nourish them both and when applicable, use each unapologetically.
Steve Maraboli
Reading the Bible will help you get to know the word, but it’s when you put it down and live your life that you get to know the author.
Steve Maraboli
Once you start recognizing the truth of your story, finish the story. It happened but you're still here, you're still capable, powerful, you're not your circumstance. It happened and you made it through. You're still fully equipped with every single tool you need to fulfill your purpose.
Steve Maraboli
While intent is the seed of manifestation, action is the water that nourishes the seed. Your actions must reflect your goals in order to achieve true success.
Steve Maraboli
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.
Steve Maraboli
Behavior slays the dragon of illusion and reveals the truth.
Steve Maraboli
A beautiful thing happens when we start paying attention to each other. It is by participating more in your relationship that you breathe life into it.
Steve Maraboli
We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.
Steve Maraboli
Don't throw away another day! No more procrastinating! Only YOU can make it happen. So, UN-ASS the couch and make it happen!
Steve Maraboli
Appreciate your mom. She is wiser than you think and stronger than you know. Be thankful.
Steve Maraboli
I knew you were the one when I realized your smile was my heaven, your laugh my favorite song, and your arms my home.
Steve Maraboli
The people who are happy for your happiness and sad for your sadness... keep them around.
Steve Maraboli
I'm not crying because of you you're not worth it. I'm crying because my delusion of who you were was shattered by the truth of who you are.
Steve Maraboli
It's a cycle... Religion is a source of relief for those who seek to anesthetize the pain that comes from following its beliefs.
Steve Maraboli
When you don't have a vision or a plan for the future, your mind has no choice but to dwell in the past.
Steve Maraboli
Failure is a mindset, not a circumstance. I let my experiences strengthen me. You think I fell on my face, but I’m down here doing pushups.
Steve Maraboli
My love for you spans over the lines of my past, present, and future. You are what I love remembering, what I love experiencing, and what I love looking forward to.
Steve Maraboli
As we grow in our family… let’s not forget that we, as a couple, still need attention… let’s not lose grip of the excitement of our flirtation and our passion for each other… while we tend to the 'we,' let’s not forget the 'us'.
Steve Maraboli
Participate in your own dreams, don’t just say what you want or complain about what you don’t have.
Steve Maraboli
Success is something you experience when you act accordingly. Success is not something you have, it’s something you do.
Steve Maraboli
Although initially only few in numbers, it seems my gray hairs have launched an effective peer-pressure campaign intended to convert the others.
Steve Maraboli
If you love someone...feel it, speak it, show it, be it.If you don't feel inspired to show your love in this multidimensional manner...be kind enough to let them go...so they can find someone who will.
Steve Maraboli
If the self-help books worked, it would be a shrinking industry not a growing one.
Steve Maraboli
It's funny how, in this journey of life, even though we may begin at different times and places, our paths cross with others so that we may share our love, compassion, observations, and hope. This is a design of God that I appreciate and cherish.
Steve Maraboli
Falling in love is a wonderfully terrifying sensation.
Steve Maraboli
NEVER be surprised by your own success!
Steve Maraboli
Outdated ideas inevitably lead to outdated behaviors.
Steve Maraboli
When you judge a woman by her appearance, it doesn't define her, it defines you. Ladies, never allow yourself to be defined by someone's inability to appreciate your unique beauty.
Steve Maraboli
Don’t let psychological warfare from an advertisement campaign blind you from the truth of your beauty, possibility, worthiness, and purpose.
Steve Maraboli
The truth is simple.Lies are complex.The truth comes in sentences.Lies... in paragraphs.Pay attention to this when someone is communicating with you.
Steve Maraboli
Judging is preventing us from understanding a new truth. Free yourself from the rules of old judgments and create the space for new understanding.
Steve Maraboli
Cutting out drama... Healthy mind and body choices... Intent followed by action... Keeping real friends and letting go of the pretends... Livin' clean for Twenty Seventeen!
Steve Maraboli
When you're too religious, you tend to point your finger to judge instead of extending your hand to help.
Steve Maraboli
Through the twist and turns of life, I find myself so grateful for my friends. Even though sometimes the days can seem so dark, and my heart can feel so hurt, I am never alone; my friends are beside me.
Steve Maraboli
You are where you are right now because of the actions you've taken, or maybe, the inaction you've taken.
Steve Maraboli
Love moves in sync with the cadence of forgiveness, sings in tune with the melody of acceptance, and dances in rhythm with the music of companionship.
Steve Maraboli
It is surprising to me that one of the great crimes of history has gone unnoticed; the abduction of god by religions. This slight-of-hand has been the cause of countless blood-shed and has been found at the root of innumerable acts of evil. The argument continues today, as to which religion the true god belongs, when what would be most healing and empowering is to free god from the shackles of religious limitation and judgment. It is by emancipating god from the ignorance of our ancestors that we become empowered to explore and express our own relationship with what god may or may not be.
Steve Maraboli
Think of the patience God has had for you and let it resonate to others. If you want a more patient world, let patience be your motto
Steve Maraboli
The only people who experience no resistance are the unambitious and the dead. If you feel no resistance in your life, you need greater goals or you need to check your pulse. Life and movement come with resistance. Don’t be discouraged by it, be strengthened by it.
Steve Maraboli
I will spend an eternity loving you, caring for you, respecting you, showing you every day that I hold you as high as the stars.
Steve Maraboli
You were not meant for a life of mediocrity! Stop letting the regret of yesterday and the insecurity of tomorrow steal your today. Live this day! Do not allow your spirit to be softened or your happiness to be limited by a day you cannot have back or a day that does not yet exist. Take charge! Seize this day and allow upon this fertile day to be planted the seeds of your happiness and success.
Steve Maraboli
What was my path to success? Well, there were some steps forward, some back, some to the side... maybe it wasn't a path, but more of a dance.
Steve Maraboli
BREAKING NEWS: You're awesome and designed for success live this day accordingly!
Steve Maraboli
You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!
Steve Maraboli
People will always have opinions about your decision because they're not courageous enough to take action on their opinion.
Steve Maraboli
There is no 'secret' to success.There is a BEHAVIOR to success.Decide what you want and act accordingly.Dream. Plan. Execute.
Steve Maraboli
Sometimes it's the same moments that take your breath away that breathe purpose and love back into your life.
Steve Maraboli
Beliefs will nourish or poison depending on their compatibility with reality.
Steve Maraboli
There is no problem this universe can hand you that you aren't innately designed to solve. If it has been handed to you, it can be handled by you. This is the brilliant effectiveness of our design.
Steve Maraboli
Your life plays out as a reflection of your genetic makeup and potentiality as expressed through your environment and choices. Love yourself enough to create an environment in your life that is conducive to the nourishment of your personal growth. Allow yourself to let go of the people, thoughts, and situations that poison your well-being. Cultivate a vibrant surrounding and commit yourself to making choices that will help you release the greatest expression of your unique beauty and purpose.
Steve Maraboli
We’re a society that creates super heroes who aren’t really super heroes. They are just regular people who live in alignment with their goals and dreams. They don’t just talk about it, the LIVE it. You can choose to do the same.
Steve Maraboli
Friends are medicine for a wounded heart and vitamins for a hopeful soul.
Steve Maraboli
Today, you have the opportunity to transcend from a disempowered mindset of existence to an empowered reality of purpose-driven living. Today is a new day that has been handed to you for shaping. You have the tools, now get out there and create a masterpiece.
Steve Maraboli