Grant Allen once said that an Englishman’s idea of God was another Englishman twelve feet high, and I suppose that is more or less everybody’s idea of God- with the necessary geographical adjustment. Zenith Brown has an idea about God that pleases me. ‘God,’ says Mrs. Brown, ‘is obviously a friendly enough Old Gentleman most of the time, Who wishes us well and tries to see to it that we are reasonably happy. It is equally obvious the He has an idiot brother who takes over the reins whenever God Himself goes fishing. It is when the idiot brother is in charge of things that the world goes wrong and we have wars, famines, and pestilences on earth.

Grant Allen once said that an Englishman’s idea of God was another Englishman twelve feet high, and I suppose that is more or less everybody’s idea of God- with the necessary geographical adjustment. Zenith Brown has an idea about God that pleases me. ‘God,’ says Mrs. Brown, ‘is obviously a friendly enough Old Gentleman most of the time, Who wishes us well and tries to see to it that we are reasonably happy. It is equally obvious the He has an idiot brother who takes over the reins whenever God Himself goes fishing. It is when the idiot brother is in charge of things that the world goes wrong and we have wars, famines, and pestilences on earth.