Suicide. It’s a very powerful word. I remember as a little girl, I had it all, a perfect family, a perfect life. 16 years go by and that small little girl grew. Her life drastically changed. Her mother was never home, she grew up raising her sisters, her father… lets not even talk about him. He was just a bad man. So she learned she can only trust herself, she met a male online and he made her feel normal once again, he made her depression, bipolar disorder and all her problems seem fake for a moment. Two years pass, shit happens they are no longer in speaking terms, 3 days later she is ready to die, she had decided to troll on a game once more before she killed herself, where she met a girl who 8 months later would be her best friend forever and always. This girl had changed her life in ways not even imaginable. Then she meets another male who 4 months later would be a cause of many suicide attempts, she finally got enough courage to leave him, then later she met another male.. it was hard at first, he ran from problems, but he supposedly got his shit together.. and now we are “dating.” And I still get my suicide thoughts, I’m still depressed, I’m still bipolar, I’m still dying slowly,, etc…

Suicide. It’s a very powerful word. I remember as a little girl, I had it all, a perfect family, a perfect life. 16 years go by and that small little girl grew. Her life drastically changed. Her mother was never home, she grew up raising her sisters, her father… lets not even talk about him. He was just a bad man. So she learned she can only trust herself, she met a male online and he made her feel normal once again, he made her depression, bipolar disorder and all her problems seem fake for a moment. Two years pass, shit happens they are no longer in speaking terms, 3 days later she is ready to die, she had decided to troll on a game once more before she killed herself, where she met a girl who 8 months later would be her best friend forever and always. This girl had changed her life in ways not even imaginable. Then she meets another male who 4 months later would be a cause of many suicide attempts, she finally got enough courage to leave him, then later she met another male.. it was hard at first, he ran from problems, but he supposedly got his shit together.. and now we are “dating.” And I still get my suicide thoughts, I’m still depressed, I’m still bipolar, I’m still dying slowly,, etc…